Task 1: (U20 & 24) P1 (U20) P1 (U24)

Learning Outcome 1 (U20): Know how existing advertising campaigns embed advertisements across a range of media products

Learning Outcome 1 (U24): Understand the products that are produced within and across media industries


Campaign No.1: Macdonalds - Grand Big Mac

The Grand Big Mac is an advertising campaign from McDonalds.  They have released 2 new burgers called the "Grand Mac" and the "Jr. Mac" and of course they still have the standard "Big Mac".  This is to celebrate the 50 years since they came out with the "Big Mac burger".

Aims and objectives:

The aim of this advertising campaign is for people that haven't tried Big Macs, to try them and raise awareness about their burgers and generally increase sales.  Furthermore, they are reinventing the Big Mac burger which is already extremely popular, this is called rebranding an existing product.  People that are small eaters or big eaters will now be able to try the Big Mac without having to eat too much or too little.  By re-branding their burger it suggests that McDonalds are proud of their success with the Big Mac, and convey that by completely redesigning the burger to a bigger version and a smaller version.

Target Audience:

The target audience of McDonalds is the mass market, for the Jr. Mac they target children and small eaters, not to mention people that are just on a budget and do not want to spend too much for a tasty burger, while with the Grand Mac they may be targeting bigger people with bigger apetites.  For nostalgia purposes, McDonalds keep the standard Big Mac, this is also for people that enjoy the standard version and do not want a bigger or smaller burger.  The McDonalds advert based on this campaign target all ethnicities, and all types of wealth.  For example in the video advert, there are asian people, black people, white people, famous and rich people.  This all suggests that you don't have to be a specific type of person to be able to get food from McDonalds, making the target audience a mass market.  However, in the advert, there isn't any child which therefore suggests maybe they weren't targeting children with the Mac. Jr, although the fact they have the small option still means that target children.  In the video advert, they also have a famous, and supposedly wealthy person showing their love for the famous burger.  This suggests to the audience, that it doesn't matter what financial position you are in, you can still go to McDonalds and enjoy a lovely Big Mac.

Key messages:

The key messages that McDonalds are trying to convey to the public is the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Big Mac.
Celebrating 50th Anniversary
Here are 3 burgers for you to choose from depending on your appetite, age, and spending power.

This is a snap chat advert taken on my phone.


Mc Donalds, have used different platforms to advertise their marketing campaign.  They used different platforms to reach a wider range of audience.  By using different platforms, it has allowed Mc Donalds to maximise their reach meaning that their sales will be maximised, allowing them to get as much profit as possible from this limited time campaign.  The different platforms that they used were, social media, such as Snap chat (as shown above), Facebook and Instagram.  They also use billboard adverts on the Tube such as the example below.  Furthermore, they also made a TV advert to reach the audience that watch TV.

This is a billboard advert taken on the London Underground.


McDonald's have come up with different methods in order to gain attention from their target audience. They have created a TV advertisement that can also be found online or on YouTube for families or teenagers to watch when they are in the comfort of their own homes. They have also created billboard adverts because many people drive vehicles so it is a good idea to create an eye catching and memorable billboard advert due to the fact that they have a drive through, therefore, one of their target audiences will be drivers. McDonald's are also online presences on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter etc... This is a good way to reach their younger audience who are avid users of social media and many of them will be able to view their advertisements on these platforms. By having a lot of advertisement in different areas produced in different ways, this gives McDonald's a wide variety of approaches that they can use in order to reach different types of audiences.

This is part of the video advert that McDonalds had created.


As shown in the TV advert, The Grand campaign is for all types of people from each demographic group and financial class. They purposely showed people from different backgrounds to disregard any racist or stereotype backlash comments that they may have received if they left people from these groups out. Although, in the TV advert no children are portrayed as the target audience, this could be because it is aimed at adults who will purchase the products for their children or by including  Big Mac Jr it will automatically infer that children are also targeted as well as bigger eaters who love a regular Big Mac.

Campaign Logistics

McDonald's launched their new campaign 'The Grand' on the 29th of January 2018 to celebrate 50 successful years since The Big Mac was released in 1968. Millions of people will be able to purchase the new sizes of The Big Mac for 50 days until March 20th 2018 with each day representing each year that went past with the product becoming a huge success.

Call to Action/Feedback

McDonald's are a frequent online presence on Twitter so they decided to post the advertising campaign online in order to gain some customer responses and feedback in order to get their attitudes and feelings towards the new products. One customer said " The Mac Jr is the best sandwich EVER. Just the right size!" with McDonald's swiftly responding by saying "thanks for the love! We'll see you soon then. They have also received positive responses about The Grand as well with one customer saying "Love the Grand Big Mac!!!!! It's just so messy to eat!" McDonald's in return responded "That's awesome! Glad you got to experience a full out flavour explosion." This reaction to the new product is very positive with many people wishing that the new products stay on the menu but McDonald's could still improve the product by trying to make it less messy which could be seen as a negative and a reason why some customers may not purchase the product.

Legal and Ethical Issues and Regulatory Bodies

McDonald's will have to obey the rules set by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in order for their campaign to be advertised. This means it will have to be checked for language and if it offends a type of group or person and it will need to be age regulated before it is put on air to the public. If it is offensive it will scrapped and will not be allowed to be shown on television to the public which means McDonalds's would have to find a different way to advertise their campaign to reach their target audience.

Campaign 2: NIKE - Nothing Beats a Londoner
Nike "Nothing beats a Londoner" campaign is an advertising campaign aimed towards Londoner's and people living in London.  there are over 50 million people living in London, this therefore means that although the marketing campaign may not be for the mass market.  The 50 million people that could potentially be influenced would increase sales by quite a lot, especially for a business as big as Nike.

Aims and objectives: The aims and objectives of this marketing campaign is to provide inspiration to the young generation of areas that will make the next Skepta, Dina Asher-Smith or Harry kane in areas such as Peckham and Brixton.  This campaign will gain brand awareness for people that may not be too interested into Nike, but after this advert the inspiration will encourage people to want to do sport and purchase sports gear from Nike.

Above is the billboard advert for the LDNR campaign

Target Audience:  The target audience for this campaign is youngsters that aspire to be the next Anthony Joshua or the next Septa, which live in rough neighbourhoods.  They may find life tough but this campaign will inspire them and encourage them to be the people they want to be because they have the talent to be capable of achieving their goals.  Thy target both men and females as they want to inspire as many people as possible within London.  Ethnicity isn't a worry either as in the video they present, all different types of people, like black, white, asian.  Lastly, they target people with an interest for sport as the nike clothing generally speaking is for sports and the advertising campaign is towards sporty people, as it is about how much exercise they had done.

Key messages: The key messages that Nike are trying to get across to the audience is, nothing should stop a Londoner, whether it is a physical or mental obstacle in the way, it can always be overcome.  The phrase "Nothing beats a Londoner", is trying to present a message to the youngsters and athletes in London that they are the greatest and to never give up, this inspiring message will help encourage them and hopefully when they succeed will want to purchase more sports attire from Nike.  Increasing brand awareness and sales for Nike.

Approach:  They approached this marketing campaign by using the social media platforms to get their message across.  The video that they made is all over every social media platform.  It was #1 trending on Youtube which is the most popular video streaming social media website.  The video is also on Snapchat, Facebook, twitter and all the other social media platforms.  They also use celebrities that come from London apart from one person.  This shows inspiration that all of these people came from the same area so why can't anyone else do the same and be as successful as them.

Representation:  They used different locations as a stereotype to say that the areas are not very good, and then got celebrities to go against that stigma, for example, Krept and Konan said "Whats wrong with Peckham?"  These two artists were raised in Peckham and they are some of the most successful UK rap artists.  

Campaign logistics:  They had to film in a studio, for green screen scenes where they are unable to record inside a specific room, like the barbers room.  Secondly, they had to record in Peckham.  This may have taken some time to get permission from the council and the corner shop that is being recorded. 

Choice of Media: Nike marketed this campaign through videos and on some interactive software, such as Snapchat.  Nike had a snap chat filter based on the campaign, and they also had the video as an advert on snapchat, not to mention TV and youtube.  Using social media is potentially the best way to get recognition, especially to the younger generation.

Nike's merchandising for the advertising campaign, allowing people to purchase t-shirts to help promote the marketing campaign.

Call to Action: Nike's call to action is to try and persuade young children to stay out of trouble and become athletes, or successful entrepreneurs.  This is proven because they used successful athletes and celebrities that came from the same area that the advertisements is focused towards and hopefully they will encourage them to become a better version of themselves.

Legal and ethical issues:  Some legal issues that Nike may have is the ability to record to record youngsters for the video advert.  They will need to ask the parents for permission.  Furthermore, the locations that are being recorded Nike will need to request permission for.  This can be quite time consuming and therefore could have delayed the production.

Regulatory bodies: Nike will ned to pass the qualifications with ASA before they can publish the advert to avoid getting any backlash from pressure groups, or having any inappropriate scenes that may offend some potential customers.  If they did not go through ASA not only could there be some legal issues with the video but it could give them a bad reputation to the public, resulting in less sales.


Nike advertised along different platforms, such as Snapchat, all the social media platforms, billboards and even on clothing.  Through doing this they maximise their reach across all of their target market, of which would be Londoner's and youngsters that need inspiration.  From doing this, they would have a much larger brand recognition and brand awareness, meaning they could increase their sales drastically, furthermore, they will also have a better reputation as they have shown to try and help inspire the younger, less fortunate youngsters, meaning it could potentially help increase their sales.  The platforms 

P1 - U24

The media products for the advertising industry are:

  • Social Media advert
  • Radio adverts
  • TV Adverts
  • Magazine adverts
  • Newspaper adverts
  • Billboard adverts
  • Sponsorship adverts (on football tops)
  • Advertising on public transport such as the Bus, Trains or Taxis (Wraps)
  • Facebook adverts
  • Twitter advertisements
  • Websites
  • Flash mobs
How institutions create brands
Institutions must create brands in order for their products to be successful, whether it is nationally or globally. Brands are established through colour schemes, imagery, logos, music or fonts depending on the platform being used.

An example of a successful institution that's created a brand is Apple. Apple has used quite a few of these advertising products to create their brand.  Apple use all these advertising products except for Flash Mobs and sponsorship adverts.  This is because they are such a large company that they are able to afford to fund the amount of advertising that they do.  The TV advertisements that they do, almost always has either a white or a black background, giving them the brand image of simplicity as seen below.

Additionally, Apple use their logo across all advertisements. This logo is then incorporated on every Apple product.  They do this to create more brand awareness, so whenever someone that has seen the Apple adverts walks past an apple store they will recognise what products they have and it will also remind them of the advert and encourage them to purchase the products. An example of the logo being across all advertisements is below: (These are two different adverts and shows the Apple logo at the end of the advert.)

These are taken from youtube on Apple's youtube channel

Along with this, Apple advertisements use the same font across all platforms. This not only establishes a brand, but maintains a clean, modern finish. Through maintaining that clean and modern finish it presents that idea to the audience that is is modern, in fashion and easy to use, meaning even the elderly people will feel confident in using the device, therefore allowing them to advertise to the mass market and increase their sales dramatically.  Below are some examples of the same font used across different advertisements:

These are taken from youtube on Apple's youtube channel

How products are adapted
Products are adapted across different platforms so that different audiences are targeted. 

Apple advertise across all different types of platforms.  
They advertise on social media, TV, billboards and other places like transport.  They advertise on many different platforms, to reach out to different target audiences.  Whether it is regular working people on the way to work on the train, or elderly people that have retired from their job and are watching TV.  
The way they advertise across different platforms while trying to keep their brand image is through the theme and colour scheme.  Their simple design helps them to keep their brand image of simplicity, this is done through having the two simplest colours, black and white.  They do this because if they were to use different colours link pink and blue it would attract people that like those colours, and the people that don't like those colours may feel less encouraged to purchase their products.  An example of Apple advertisements on different platforms is provided below. This advertisement is for the iPad mini and you can see the logo and font is exactly the same. Although the images used are different, the key message is clearly presented across the different platforms.

Image result for apple billboard advert  Image result for apple london tube advert
The photo on the left is taken from Google images of a billboard in America, and the photo on the right is taken from the underground tube in London.

Another example was the release of the iPhone 7. 
The way these adverts have been adapted from the videos is through using the same slogan and sometimes they have screen shots of the video adverts and put it into a billboard advert, this then reminds people of the video advert that they may have seen which will encourage them to purchase the product.  But generally speaking the main aim for the billboard adverts is to raise brand awareness or product awareness.  The video advert is obviously animated, however the overall theme is still simplistic.
The following, is a perfect example:

The picture on the left is the billboard and the picture on the right is a screenshot from a video advert.
Image result for billboard advert of apple product
The first image is of a billboard in America, taken from Google images and the second image is a screen shot from a youtube video, which is an Apple advert.

How cross-media products are promoted across platforms to engage with different audiences 

Apple are a perfect example of how cross-media products are promoted across platforms to engage different audiences.  Firstly, when advertising the I Phone X, Apple demonstrated on a separate platform that it was waterproof.  This encourages sporty people to purchase the product, while it also attracts more general people that enjoy having a waterproof phone.  However, they also have an advert where Apple record a gay marriage on the I phone X.  This encourages another target audience of which are homosexual people.  This targets homosexuals because when they see the video advert, they can relate to the advert and feel more encouraged to purchase the product.  In addition, Apple also advertise on social media.  Advertising on social media targets a wide variety of ages, however they all have one hing in common.  They all enjoy browsing the web and browsing social media.  Therefore advertising on social media will encourage social media users to purchase the product so they can browse through social media on the new phone.

The photo on the left is a screen shot from a video from Youtube, and the photo on the right is from the Apple website "https://www.apple.com/iphone-x/?cid=www-us−yt−iphonex−septevent17-3" where they present all the features of the new I Phone x.

Above is the image of Apples social media page, where they advertise their products.

Some  examples of converging technology within the marketing & advertising industry are, firstly, the way the social media has allowed companies to advertise on Youtube where the advert can be watched from phones, laptops and Notebooks, making them the videos that have the most views compared to just an advert that can be seen on the TV.  For example the way Apple advertise on Youtube, these advertisements can then be watched on my phone, my laptop or any other device that streams, this therefore means they are obviously subject to a wider audience.

Another example could be where companies use the radio to advertise a competition but the way to apply for the competition is on the website therefore the radio is advertising a website, and a the same time also advertising the competition to the radio listeners, meaning this will also reach a wider audience.


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