Task 7 (U20): Be able to produce the planned media components

Billboard advert

We ensured that both our adverts have stayed within the same colour scheme as they can so that everything ties in together.  We included all the social media pages that our product will have with the link to each of the pages for the audience to easily access.

Magazine advert
This is a print ad that will be displayed in magazines and newspapers again only ones that our target audience read as this is the audience we will benefit from in terms of selling our product.

Drink advert
This is our Phizz Wizard advert that will be broadcasted across various different TV channels as well as over our social media pages.   We will ensure that the channels it will be broadcasted to are age appropriate to our target audience.

Feedback for our video advert

This video is a compilation of feedback from several members of our target audience to gather their thoughts on our Video Advert. 
From this we discovered that:
-Strawberry laces are popular with the younger audience, this is something that makes them want to buy it
-The can as the character is appealing to all members of the audience 
-With the older target audience the thing that is refraining them from buying the product is the content of the drink however they still enjoy the advert and think it is creative
-It would be even better if the video was more fluent and not as jumpy from take to take
-The length was an issue for some viewers as they felt they wanted more from the narrative.
-Our younger audience told us that they enjoyed the narrative and it was easy to follow but again said that it was quick to watch and wished it was longer.

Billboard mock up

Magazine Mock up


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