Job Roles: Learning outcome 2 (U24): Understand the behaviours, skills and attributes necessary within the advertising industry

D2 (U24): Explain the importance of etiquette when working on a media production

What is the importances of etiquette when working on a media production?

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It’s all very well having skills and creativity, but if you don’t follow the etiquette of a company or a media production situation you can end up with a bad reputation or unable to progress in your career. If you do not behave properly then the production of a campaign could actually be slowed down due to miscommunication and things not happening in the correct order, by the correct people. It is important to know who does what, when and how and to ensure that you have an understanding of your place in the company or organisation.

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Etiquette can be defined as:  The customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group.  Which basically just means if someone has good manners and respect for specific people.

Elements of etiquette are:

  • Manners
  • Understanding the hierarchy
  • Discipline
  • Organisation
  • Understanding of formal and informal situations

Manners:  Having manners is just common courtesy in general socialising.  Whether your eating or just having a conversation with someone, if you don’t have manners it will give off a negative vibe to others around you.  Basically, manners is essential if you are a respectful person.

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Understanding the hierarchy:  Understanding the hierarchy is essential to any business let alone a media production.  If someone doesn’t understand the hierarchy, they may not stay organised or listen to one another, resulting in disaster on set where people don’t know who to listen to and there will be chaos.

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Discipline:  Discipline in general is just plane and simple.  You are taught it when growing up around your parents, to show respect and be disciplined when someone higher up in the hierarchy tells you what to do.  For example a director would tell the actor where to position themselves on set. If the actor chose not to listen the movie wouldn’t be able to be made as the actor is not doing his job by listening to the director.

Organisation: Organisation is key when sticking to deadlines as if deadlines are missed, it creates a dominos effect onto everything else in the production, including post-production as they will be delayed in giving the footage to edit.  Keeping organised is essential, i personally think that without an organised work space the quality of work will be poor as well, this then means that the media production will not be up to scratch if you don’t keep organised.

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Thanks for listening.


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