Task 3 D1 (U24): Discuss how successful media concepts have been positively exploited across multiple media industries.

In this report I will be exploring and discussing how successful some media companies have been,through positively exploiting multiple media industries, and how they do that to target specific audiences.  For example, Apple advertise the same product multiple times to make sure they target all segments of their target market.

Apple are extremely clever and unique with how they target their audience and advertise.  They don't just advertise once for the mass market, they advertise the same product in different ways to attract the attention of their different market.  This is only possible because they are one of the largest companies in the world and their objective is to get everyone to purchase their IPhones. This is called a mass market, rather than a niche market.

Apple, advertise their different features that make up the IPhone X, such as their camera, their waterproof feature and many other things.  The camera that they advertise is to target the photographers and camera enthusiasts. This is done through a video solely based on the camera as shown in the video below.

They also target a specific market within the photographers market.  For example vloggers, or social media users, such as Instagram and Snapchat.  This is done because there is a large audience in the social media world and Apple create a relatable advertisement that will attract the attention of this specific market.  This is done through making the video title "iPhone X – Selfies on iPhone X – Apple"  and the video below:

Apple has many new features, with their new phone, of which is listed below:

  • Face ID
  • Super retina display
  • OLED Screen
  • True Depth camera
  • All new design
  • Intuitive gestures
  • Facial mapping
  • Portrait selfies
  • Portrait lighting
  • Animoji
  • Improved cameras
  • Optical zoom
  • Faster CPU
  • Adaptive recognition

They advertise their specific features in specific videos to target specific markets, this is to maximise sales as much as possible, because photographers aren't going to want to purchase the phone based on the new design, rather they would purchase the phone based on the camera, moreover gamers will not want to purchase the phone based on the camera quality, rather the faster CPU instead.

Through doing these specific advertisements for specific features of the iPhone X, Apple have broken sales records regardless of the £1000 price.  This is proven in variety.com, where they made this statement: "For the company’s fiscal first quarter of 2018 ended Dec. 30, Apple reported revenue of $88.3 billion, up 13% year over year. Net income was $20 billion, with earnings per diluted share of $3.89, up 16% and also an all-time record."

Another company is Netflix.  Netflix utilise many different forms of media to their advantage to become successful.  Firstly, Netflix have started to make their own series and movies.  This is to increase the amount of sales for subscriptions on their website due to there being more options for different genres, allowing more people to want to come on and view thew new content.  This never used to be the case as Netflix used to be publishing movies from other companies, and making customers pay a subscription fee to allow for them to access all the movies, however, now they will make a lot more profit due to them not having to pay to feature some of the products being shown on the website as they will be producing some of it.  These movies and series are called "Netflix Originals".

Image result for netflix original

Secondly, Netflix now have sponsored specific TV manufacturers that manufacture smart TV's.  This has allowed for Netflix to place their own button in the centre of the TV remote.  This is called the "One-click button".  This is a really good way to encourage people to purchase Netflix, as it is as easy as clicking a button to get it up on your TV and watch what ever you want to watch.  This marketing technique has increased the Netflix sales dramatically as it makes people feel that it is almost compulsory to purchase a subscription.  After they have purchased the subscription, they are then drawn in to keep paying for the subscription to keep watching the series that they love.
Image result for netflix one click button on remote controller

Netflix make it as easy as possible to be used on any platform, on any device.  This allows for it to be extremely convenient for customers to continue watching their series, as they can watch it on the move, when they are on the airplane, in their living room, on their iPad, or many other devices and platforms.  This marketing and ease of access is what draws in so many new customers, and once Netflix have drawn them in, they make it as easy as possible of a decision to keep paying the monthly subscription, through their unmissable series and movies that are uploaded frequently.

In conclusion, both Apple and Netflix are successful through exploiting multiple media industries.  Apple with all their converging technologies, and Netflix using all the different devices and even sponsoring specific smart televisions to be on the remote controller.  Their sales have increased dramatically since these positive marketing strategies.


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