Task 6 (U20) P3 - Create a pre-production plan for the media components in the planned advertising campaign
Aims and Objectives:
In this campaign the aims and objectives is to create three
different adverts, a magazine advert, a billboard advert and a TV advert to
promote the new drink “Fizz Wizard”.
This campaign focuses on the primary target audience of 30 year olds (on
average) which is a retro style of age group.
The aims are to increase sales and brand awareness of this product to the
more middle aged audience.
There is
one set location to shoot the whole video.
This is because of the design of video that we chose to create of which
is a stop motion. The location has been
scouted out to be in the science lecture theatre of JCoSS. This is because there is a green screen in it
and with the door closed the room can be almost silent, meaning there will be
no noise pollution.
and permission:
To record
in the science lecture theatre, we will need request permission from the school
to make sure that we have permission.
This science lecture theatre is considered a private area, meaning it
will be a lot easier to request permission to film rather than if it was in a
public area, meaning we would have to request permission from the local
council, for legal and ethical reasons.
There will
be one costume needed which is a green morph suit. This green morph suit will allow for someone
to go behind the camera and enter the scene while not being seen as the green
screen will detect the colour green and render the the actor invisible. This will allow the can to be lifted up with
out a hand getting in the way of the shot, meaning it will add a better effect to
the end result. This morph costume is only for an idea, as we are unsure whether to implement it into this specific advert, meaning we could use it in future ideas.
The props
that will be used is a table and the can itself. These are essential to the advert as the
table is what will hold the can up while the can is the main part of the
advert. Without the can being in the
video, the advert will not be able to be made due to the fact that the sole
purpose of the campaign will be about the drink.
The equipment
needed will be:
· Camera
· Tripod
· SD Card
· Lighting
· Green screen
· Green morph suit
· Mac book to edit the video
Style of
The style
of this video is a stop motion style video.
It will involve opening the can and demonstrating what the flavour will
taste like with strawberry laces pouring out of the can rather than actual
liquid. Therefore demonstrating that
this is the flavour that te audience should expect when consuming this drink.
There are
many different resources for this campaign.
There are three people that are included in the human resources. Lauren McGurk, Adam Nahum and Gabriel
Spalter. Furthermore, other resources
needed are the props such as the strawberry laces and a canned drink. The canned drink will have the wrapper on it
to show the brand of the drink, otherwise it will almost be as if the advertisement
is of a different drink. Furthermore, we
will need some software as well to make sure that using Photoshop, the magazine
and billboard advert is created professionally while the video also is created
Job roles
of group:
· Lauren McGurk is the Project
· Gabriel Spalter is the
Director/actor (in the green morph suit).
· Adam Nahum is the camera operator.
Test runs:
The project
will need a few test runs to make sure the plan works correctly for the video,
if it doesn’t, the video idea will have to change a little bit from the story
board to make sure that the video and the other adverts work within the
Below are plans of my magazine and billboard advert, the story board and gantt chart :
Furthermore another convention technique that Vimto used in this video was the up beat style of music, where not only is it in trend as mentioned above, but it is also an up beat and almost energising song due to its fast beat and the genre of song. This will make the audience feel more alert and it will make them think it will give them energy and it will taste nice, due to the slogan being "seriously mixed up fruit". Moreover, with the style of the car, it has targeted a more middle class audience, which means it increases their market size massively potentially causing a massive increase in revenue.
Below are plans of my magazine and billboard advert, the story board and gantt chart :

Billboard poster
For the billboard poster, we will decide to design it with vibrant colours. The specific vibrant colour chosen is pink/red. These two colours were chosen because not only does it fit the theme of strawberry laces, but it also catches the eye, especially when people are just walking past and drivers are driving past, it needs to be catching attention. Furthermore, when designing the billboard we will make it portrait. The portrait design fits the style of a billboard advert as they are all in the format of portrait, rather than landscape. This is important when designing a billboard advert. The next feature that we will add in the design of the billboard advert is the can. With the can on the advert, it will help remind the customers what the can looks like when they go into the store, otherwise they may see the advert and not know what to look for when they go into the store, if they want to try the drink. The main idea behind the billboard advert is to minimise the text, to avoid distracting the driver from the road by making them read something, and instead just maximise the meaning of the message with as little words as possible. This is essential as it will make the reader interested and potentially want to go into a store and purchase the drink.
For the billboard poster, we will decide to design it with vibrant colours. The specific vibrant colour chosen is pink/red. These two colours were chosen because not only does it fit the theme of strawberry laces, but it also catches the eye, especially when people are just walking past and drivers are driving past, it needs to be catching attention. Furthermore, when designing the billboard we will make it portrait. The portrait design fits the style of a billboard advert as they are all in the format of portrait, rather than landscape. This is important when designing a billboard advert. The next feature that we will add in the design of the billboard advert is the can. With the can on the advert, it will help remind the customers what the can looks like when they go into the store, otherwise they may see the advert and not know what to look for when they go into the store, if they want to try the drink. The main idea behind the billboard advert is to minimise the text, to avoid distracting the driver from the road by making them read something, and instead just maximise the meaning of the message with as little words as possible. This is essential as it will make the reader interested and potentially want to go into a store and purchase the drink.
Magazine advert
For the magazine advert we will decide to stick to the colour scheme, meaning the colour will be more recognisable when people see the advert. This will allow the colour and the drink to stick in the heads of the people reading the magazine, and the next time they see that colour or see the drink it will remind them of the advert and potentially purchase the drink. For the magazine advert we will also include our social media platforms for potential interested readers to follow the social media pages, therefore potentially increasing brand awareness and allowing them to share around the different accounts, meaning it increases our publicity. Furthermore, along with the same colour scheme we will decide to include the image of the can as well. This helps to make the can more recognisable to the public as they will know what to look for when they next try and purchase the drink.
For the magazine advert we will decide to stick to the colour scheme, meaning the colour will be more recognisable when people see the advert. This will allow the colour and the drink to stick in the heads of the people reading the magazine, and the next time they see that colour or see the drink it will remind them of the advert and potentially purchase the drink. For the magazine advert we will also include our social media platforms for potential interested readers to follow the social media pages, therefore potentially increasing brand awareness and allowing them to share around the different accounts, meaning it increases our publicity. Furthermore, along with the same colour scheme we will decide to include the image of the can as well. This helps to make the can more recognisable to the public as they will know what to look for when they next try and purchase the drink.
Viral video
For the viral video, we will decide to create a stop motion video. This will be a creative way to advertise the canned drink. Stop motion was very popular a few years ago therefore fitting the target market of which is middle aged adults. Moreover, the music choice will be charlie Chaplin themed music which will remind the target market group of their child hood, therefore reminding them of good memories. Having said this, the video will be quite short, to keep the attention of the viewers, keeping them interested and therefore increasing the chance of them being satisfied and therefore making them want to purchase the product. I will also include the can in the video as including the can will allow them to know what the can looks like, meaning it will be more appealing and they will be able to find it in the stores if the decide to purchase the drink.
For the viral video, we will decide to create a stop motion video. This will be a creative way to advertise the canned drink. Stop motion was very popular a few years ago therefore fitting the target market of which is middle aged adults. Moreover, the music choice will be charlie Chaplin themed music which will remind the target market group of their child hood, therefore reminding them of good memories. Having said this, the video will be quite short, to keep the attention of the viewers, keeping them interested and therefore increasing the chance of them being satisfied and therefore making them want to purchase the product. I will also include the can in the video as including the can will allow them to know what the can looks like, meaning it will be more appealing and they will be able to find it in the stores if the decide to purchase the drink.
Social media
For the social media advert we will be making an interactive advert which will include a competition, where who ever shares the advert the most will have a chance of winning a years supply of the drink. Following this, the audience will be sharing the drink a lot allowing the brand awareness to increase drastically. After doing some research I haven noticed the target market of which are middle aged adults, mainly use Facebook. Therefore, most of the advertising will be done on Facebook.

Research into advert conventions and competitor adverts:
There are many different styles of adverts and different conventions that constitute an accurate advert.
The purpose of an advert is to inform and sell a product to the viewer.
Conventions refers to the familiar and predictable forms and techniques used by the media to communicate certain ideas.
They become conventions by through their repeated use in which the audience become familiar with them and expect them when watching an advert.
Slogans, USP, endorsement (sometimes), Icons, persuasive language, audio codes, technical codes are all different conventions of adverts.
There are many fizzy drink companies that have characters or celebrity endorsements who are representing the brand.
There are many many strategies that fizzy drink companies use to gain their audience's attention and attract them to their product.
They make them want their product, they convince them that there is a community around their product and the only way to become a part of it is to buy the product they are selling. They let their audience know that their brand is different and unique.
We can see this by the Fanta advert, they used music created for their ads as well as a colour scheme so individualised that their audience would know exactly what product was being advertised.
As we can see from the advert, the artwork was created specifically for Fanta to compliment the characters that they were using. This is a good technique as when the audience sees this they will know that this is specific to a certain brand.
Another example is the Vimto Lowrider Advert, they used a well known song at the time of their ad release. They added women which is the technique that 'sex sells', this would stereotypically entice more male audience. They used the ingredients that the product contains which helps them to advertise what is in what they are selling. Near the end when the fruit mashes together and creates the drink they are selling their slogan ties in as it is 'seriously mixed up fruit' which is what has happened in the ad.
Furthermore another convention technique that Vimto used in this video was the up beat style of music, where not only is it in trend as mentioned above, but it is also an up beat and almost energising song due to its fast beat and the genre of song. This will make the audience feel more alert and it will make them think it will give them energy and it will taste nice, due to the slogan being "seriously mixed up fruit". Moreover, with the style of the car, it has targeted a more middle class audience, which means it increases their market size massively potentially causing a massive increase in revenue.Research into advert conventions and competitor adverts:
From our research we concluded that audiences of all ages prefer music and sound effects when watching adverts instead of long dialogue as it is easier to focus on. The music is a key theme in all adverts as each one is different and memorable for different reasons. We did discover that its preferred to have real life people in adverts but its not a factor that makes someone turn the advert off and not buy the product.
Risk Assessment
Location and Address:
Castlewood Road, New Barnet EN4 9GE
Date: 27/02/17
Risk Description
Risk (1-5)
Severity (1-5)
How to stop the risk
Water/ Slipping
Fire in the building
Camera gets stolen
Door hits photographer
Make sure no liquids are bought to the area of photography.
The rain could damage the equipment
Call the fire brigade and use nearest fire extinguisher
Call the police
Check for head injury if there is sign of one phone ambulance.
Local Hospital: Barnet Hospital
Address: Wellhouse Lane, Barnet EN5 3DJ
Phone Number: 020 8216 4600
Local Police Station: Barnet Police Station
Address: 26-32 High St, Barnet EN5 5RU
Phone Number: 999
Potential Locations with Address and picture
Advantages and disadvantages of Location
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