Task 8 (U20) M3: Explain how the created media components comply with the codes and conventions of the media sectors
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The research which I did of existing products before, has been reflected in my 3 adverts of which was the magazine advert, the billboard advert and the TV Advert. This is shown because in all 3 adverts we made sure that they were all vibrant colours. Through having vibrant colours it attracts the attention of the audience a lot more. Furthermore, through doing research we noticed that most, if not all adverts include the product in the advert, this is important as it allows the audience to understand what the product looks like when they go to purchase it in stores, furthermore, this is why we included the product in our adverts as well.
I also researched into video adverts from a popular drinks company, Fanta.Within one of their video ads, they used upbeat music as well as a colour scheme so individualised that their audience would know exactly what product was being advertised. This can clearly be seen in my campaign.
Below is proof of a TV avert that Fanta used upbeat music while at the same time sticking to their orange colour scheme. Allowing them to individualise themselves to stand out over all other TV advertisements.
Below is an example of how Fanta stick to their colour scheme and upbeat style with a similar character that was shown in the advert and the whole billboard is orange, meaning their colour scheme has stayed the same, while that character will help the audience to be reminded of the TV advert, meaning they will play that upbeat song in their head. This colour scheme has helped me to understand that this code and convention is extremely important to have through out my advertising campaign for Phizz Wizzard as it individualises the advert and makes it more unique for that specific drink, meaning it will stand out more.
This image was taken from google images.
Below is a magazine advert and this magazine advert consists of no only the same slogan as the TV advert, but it also has the same font. Not to mention the same colour scheme of orange. All of these codes and conventions are extremely important to include as it helps the adverts to become more recognisable to the audience meaning they will likely generate more sales and increase their brand awareness.
This image was taken from google images.
The following is how I incorporated the codes and conventions into my own advertising campaign and some codes and conventions that i did not manage to include:
Video advert:
For the video advert I followed all the codes and conventions that I believe was necessary to apply to the video. These codes and conventions were informed from my research previously. In the video advert, we included the product shot, the product shot was necessary to add in as without it, the people that want to purchase the drink may not know what the drink looks like and therefore will be unable to purchase it. The next code and convention that we applied to the video was the slogan. We used the same slogan through out the campaign which was "Phizz up your life", this was done in order to create consistency and to create a brand, which is important in an advertising campaign. We also included the company name which was Carter soft drinks. We believe this is essential as it continues to help us create that brand identity, meaning it will allow us to bring in loyal customers. Not only did we include the company name but we also included our social media links, we believe this is important because it will allow for us to gain publicity in our social media pages, making it easier to advertise our products to loyal customers, for free rather than having to have an advertising campaign which includes a magazine, billboard and video advert. Lastly, through out all three adverts we made sure to stick to the same colour scheme. This allows us to sustain our consistency and therefore creates more of a brand identity. One code and convention that i did not use which is commonly used within the advertising industry is voice overs. Voice overs can be extremely helpful in some videos, however I decided not to use a voice over as i believe it will ruin the type of advert it is with the music playing in the background.
During the production of the magazine advert, we also made sure to apply the codes and conventions to this. The first form of code and convention that we applied to the magazine advert was the social media. We made sure that our social media was clearly layed out and clear so that it gives the readers an opportunity to search up our social media page. Through this social media page, it will allow us to continue to create our brand image and our brand identity. The colour scheme as mentioned above stays the same through out the advertising campaign, sticking to that vibrant pink and red colour. The next code and convention that I followed was the slogan, this is important, because it is memorable and easily identifiable to the public when they read it enough. Lastly, in the magazine we followed another code and conventioneer which meant that we needed to include the can itself, allowing the can to be more easily recognisable.
We followed the billboard codes and conventions through the use of having social media links. Having the social media links allows the people that walk and drive by to look up more about the product and to see any promotions on the social media pages. While we presented the social media links, we also followed another code and convention by having the Company name and Slogan up on the billboard. Both of these codes and conventions are important to a billboard because without having either of these it will be hard to create a brand image and increase brand awareness, not only that but the slogan makes the advert more identifiable, meaning whenever they see the billboard or any other advert in the campaign, it will make them want to purchase the Phizz Wizard drink. We also made sure to stick to the colour scheme as we did through out the whole campaign, making our advertisements more recognisable to the public and also meaning if they saw the drink they would instantly link it back to the advert which made them want to purchase the drink. One code and convention that we did not include was the website link. Having a website link could be essential as it provides the public with a better description of the company and the drink itself however, we believe due to the audience that we are targeting that we only need to publish our social media links, and through those social media links the public can then check the website out if they wish.
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